6CA7 - Power tube appairé  (2 pièces)
  • 6CA7 - Power tube appairé  (2 pièces)

6CA7 - Power tube appairé (2 pièces)

90,00 €
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6CA7 - Power tube

  • Tube 6ca7
  • Marque jj electronic
  • Offrent un son puissant et une réponse harmonique équilibrée

6CA7 is a beam power pentode with octal base. It can be used in most EL34 amplifiers. Even more powerful than KT77, and very similar to 6L6 sound. The 6CA7 provides a typical American sound.

Uf = 6,3 V
If = ca 1,5 A

Typical characteristic:

Ua = 400 V
Ug2 = 400 V
-Ug1 = 32 V
Ia = 50 mA
Ig2 = 11 mA
S = 9,5 mA/V
Ri = 24 Ω

6ca7 appairé
2 Produits
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